The Grant Writer's Secret Weapon
Will Leitch | January 28, 2025
Preparing grant applications is complicated and time-consuming. There is always a deadline, and it usually sneaks up on you.
There is nothing you can do to change these challenges. But there is something you can do to make the process less stressful and more efficient and to help ensure you submit your best possible application. It’s the first thing I have always done when starting work at a new organization—and it was always needed, no matter how large or experienced that organization was. I also always try to do it with my clients, whether working with them on only one grant project or for the long term.
What is this secret weapon? The template. Creating a template grant application for all of your major programs or projects means you’re not starting from scratch—or scratching your head—every time you have a grant deadline looming.
Sounds simple enough—and it is—but I’m always surprised how seldom this trick is used. Typically, the grant writer refers back to recent or not-so-recent applications and cuts and pastes them into new ones. It’s tedious, especially if the application is saved only in a difficult-to-edit format, such as a PDF. You find yourself digging through old files and scrolling through past applications for the pieces relevant to your current project.
In contrast, creating a template for every project for which you frequently seek funding gives you a big head start. It saves time not only with grant applications but also with anything that requires a good project description, such as a donor request, a website update, or a letter of inquiry. Here are the steps I take to create useful templates.
1. Create a Shared Folder: Provide access to anyone who may need access to the templates, such as colleagues, managers, clients, and program staff.
2. Create a Document for your Application: Create a document in your preferred application, such as Word or Google Docs, and create headings with the most common grant application questions. Use a recent application that was extensive in its requirements, or use the following outline to get you started.
Executive Summary: This is often required and will also provide a useful summary to use in a formal letter of inquiry or an email inquiry. Include a brief project description, proposed outcomes, population served, why the project/program is important, and why your organization is qualified to address the problem and how you will spend the funds.
Organization Information: Mission, History, Programs and Activities, and Key Accomplishments.
Purpose of Grant: Problem/Need Statements, supported by data. Program/Project Goals and Impact. Program/Project Design, including objectives, activities, timeline, milestones, staffing, and partners.
Sustainability: your organization’s plans to finance the project or program beyond the grant period.
Evaluation and Impact: Outcomes and Measurements.
3. Create a Document for your Application: Draft an outline for each program or project, then name it and save it, making sure your names and folders are logical so that anyone can navigate your templates folder.
4. Make an Outline: Draft an outline for each program or project, then name it and save it, making sure your names and folders are logical so that anyone can navigate your templates folder.
When you begin work on your next grant request, you won’t get stuck staring at a blank application. Cut and paste from your template, then add or tweak anything based on the requirements. When you encounter a new question that seems to get asked often, add it to your template. Likewise, when you improve or elaborate on a response, update your template accordingly. This will keep your templates current while also continuously improving them.
I began creating and using templates when I worked for a national nonprofit and it saved me a lot of time and enabled me to submit more applications and, thus, raise more money. I could cover for colleagues on vacation and not miss a beat during grant department staff turnover.
I first realized the value of templates when I returned from a vacation in Puerto Rico. Over my hyper-responsible protests, the Executive Director had insisted I turn off notifications and not check my email while on break. When I returned, I learned that a last-minute grant opportunity had arisen and that one of my interns, two weeks on the job, had easily submitted a solid application by using my templates.
I never kept track, but during one review, my manager told me I had submitted 130 grants during the previous year. I was as surprised and impressed as he was, especially because I wasn’t burned out and hadn’t worked excessive hours. I was simply efficient, thanks to leveraging my secret weapon: the template.